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Administrators of Network and Computer Systems

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Computer systems administration and network management are in high demand. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 6% growth in the number of computer systems administrators through 2026. While their job descriptions may be similar, there are significant differences between them. These include certification paths and daily responsibilities. Learning these differences will help you make the right choice for your career. Below is a brief overview about the differences between these two roles and the career paths they lead.

Job outlook

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that 2026 will see a 20 percent increase in the number of network and system administrators. Cloud services are increasing in popularity, which could lead to a greater demand for computer system administrators. Network administrators may also be in demand due to the increasing use of mobile devices within businesses. This position has a positive outlook, however, the best candidates will hold a bachelor's level in computer system and networks administration, computer science or a related field. Additionally, network administrators should have up-to-date knowledge of technology.

Computer networks and systems are constantly evolving, so administrators must stay current with new technological developments. Employers will prefer candidates who have specific certifications in addition to a bachelor's. These certifications include Novell Certified Network Administrator and Microsoft Certified Systems Analyst and Engineer. CompTIA's Network+, Sun's Certified Administrator and CompTIA's Network+ certifications are also options.


A Network & Computer systems administrator's salary can range from $56,222 to $111,613 a year. The median annual salary is $68,448. But the middle half earns $64,548 and $67.932. The highest earners make more than $111613. That means the average Network & Computer systems administrator makes approximately $64,326 per year. For someone in the middle tax bracket, that income equates to $2,680 per pay check.

2014 saw the national employment of approximately 67.500 network and computer system administrators. This is more than the national median, with California having the highest number, 39,050 network managers. Maryland, despite having the lowest probability of having a network administrator job marketplace, has some of highest salaries. The national average salary for a Network System Administrator is $88,410 per year, while the salary for network administrators in Texas is $35,830 per year.

Education requirements

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For network administrators and information system administrators, a bachelor's degree is required. This could be in any field, such as computer science, information technology, or a closely related subject. A certificate, associate's, or professional certification might be required for certain jobs. Computer system administrators often need to take manufacturer certification courses. In addition to a bachelor's degree, many employers also require that computer systems administrators have specialized skills and knowledge.

Administrators of network and computer systems must have technical knowledge, but they also need to be able talk to people who are unfamiliar with the details of computer networks. They must also be able and willing to multitask as multiple tasks may require them to work simultaneously. A network administrator or computer system administrator must be able solve and troubleshoot issues that arise from various software and hardware. This is why education is so important for the profession's growth and competitiveness.

Chances for advancement

High demand for system administrators is a result. They maintain company servers and deal with crashes. They enjoy good pay and career security. These professionals often have the opportunity to advance in a fast-paced environment. These are just a few of the many benefits you get from being a system administrator. Let's see the best perks. You can make a career out of being a network administrator and system administrator. It's a rewarding job. This list contains reasons you should consider becoming a system administrator.

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There are no special education requirements for administrators of computer networks or computer systems. The position typically requires a bachelor's level degree. Candidate can also specialize on cybersecurity, database administration, and programming. It is not necessary to hold a specific degree, but it is helpful to have knowledge about computer programming and understanding cause-and-effect sequences. System administrators should be able predict customer needs and evaluate system behavior in different situations.

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Passion is the most important ingredient for technology success. Passion is key to success in the technology field. Don't be discouraged if you don't love your job. This industry is hard-working and requires dedication. You also need to be able learn quickly and to adapt to change. These are the reasons schools need to prepare students for these changes. They must teach them how to think critically and creatively. These skills will prove to be an asset when they are ready to enter the workforce.

Experiential learning is the second most important thing about technology. Most people who want to pursue a career in tech start doing it right after graduation. It takes years of experience to be proficient in every aspect of this field. You can get experience in many ways: volunteering, internships, and part-time jobs.

Practical training is the best. It's the best and most effective way to learn. So, if you can't find a full-time internship or volunteer position, then look into taking classes at community colleges. Many universities offer classes free of charge through their Continuing Learning programs.

Is the Google IT Certificate worth it?

The Google IT certification is an industry-recognized credential for web developers and designers. It shows employers you are ready to tackle technical challenges at large.

Google IT certification can be a great way of demonstrating your skills and proving your dedication to excellence.

Google will also give you access to exclusive content, such updates to our developer documentation or answers to commonly asked questions.

Google IT certifications available online and offline.

What are the jobs available in information technology?

People who are interested in IT-related careers have many options. These include web developer, database administrator and network engineer. Other IT-related careers include data entry clerk, sales representative and receptionist, customer support specialist, programmer/technical writer, graphic artist manager, office manager, project manger, etc.

Many people get their start in the field as soon as they graduate from college. You might get an internship in a company while you are studying. You may also choose to go on a formal apprenticeship program. This allows you to gain hands-on experience by completing work placements under supervision.

Information Technology has many job openings, as mentioned previously. Although not every position requires a bachelor's degree, many require a postgraduate qualification. A master's in Computer Science or Software Engineering (MSc), for instance, can give a person more qualifications than a bachelor.

Some employers prefer a candidate who has previous experience. Ask your IT friend if they have any experience in IT. You can also check online job boards to find vacancies. You can search by location, industry sector, type of role, skills required, salary range, etc.

You can use specialized sites such simplyhired.com, careerbuilder.com, and monster.com when searching for work. Also, consider joining professional associations, such as the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD), the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), etc.

Which are the top IT courses?

What you are looking for in an online learning environment will determine the best course. My CS Degree Online program will give you a thorough overview of computer science basics. It will give you all the information you need to pass Comp Sci 101 in any university. Web Design For Dummies can help you learn how to build websites. Mobile App Development For Dummies explains how mobile apps actually work.


  • The top five companies hiring the most IT professionals are Amazon, Google, IBM, Intel, and Facebook (itnews.co).
  • The top five countries contributing to the growth of the global IT industry are China, India, Japan, South Korea, and Germany (comptia.com).
  • The global IoT market is expected to reach a value of USD 1,386.06 billion by 2026 from USD 761.4 billion in 2020 at a CAGR of 10.53% during the period 2021-2026 (globenewswire.com).
  • The United States has the largest share of the global IT industry, accounting for 42.3% in 2020, followed by Europe (27.9%), Asia Pacific excluding Japan (APJ; 21.6%), Latin America (1.7%), and Middle East & Africa (MEA; 1.0%) (comptia.co).
  • The median annual salary of computer and information technology jobs in the US is $88,240, well above the national average of $39,810 (bls.gov).
  • The top five regions contributing to the growth of IT professionals are North America, Western Europe, APJ, MEA, and Central/Eastern Europe (cee.com).

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How To

How can I prepare to take an IT exam.

Many colleges and organizations offer tutoring and study groups. You can often join an online group that discusses different topics. This gives you the opportunity to ask questions or get feedback. Some universities even offer personalized tuition, such as through Skype or FaceTime.

If you enjoy face-to–face interaction, you might think about joining a local college. Many schools now offer free, compulsory classes for non-students. There are many options, but professional instructors only offer the main ones. Small classes allow for lots of one-on-one interaction.

If you are studying at home, it might be a good idea first to read the official guide. Set aside some time each day to go over the material. Try not to spend too long trying to solve each question - take short breaks between sections and focus on understanding rather than memorizing facts.

Once you've got everything down pat, practice testing yourself regularly. Make sure to practice your skills as often as you can.


Administrators of Network and Computer Systems